If Speaker does not push immigration reform, it will not bode well for his legacy

WASHINGTON, D.C – News broke that Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) will resign from his the Speakership and his congressional seat. The Dream Action Coalition, issued the following statement:

“Speaker Boehner has promised to put through something on immigration for a long time, such as when he was approached by activists in his favorite diner years back. The entire time he was Speaker, however, he has only put forward things like Steve King’s (R-IA) bill to defund DACA and anti-immigrant legislation,” said Cesar Vargas, Co-Director of DRM Action Coalition. “Now that it’s time for him to start on his bucket list, we’ll be watching to see if he finally follows through. If he does not, it will not bode well for his legacy.”

“While Speaker Boehner likes to think of himself as one of the moderates, he has allowed the crazies in the House of Representatives to completely control the agenda and been the weakest Speaker we have ever had,” said Erika Andiola, Co-Director of DRM Action Coalition. “While part of this is because of shifting funding patterns and members of Congress becoming more loyal to funders than Party, part of this is because he has not been willing to allow a vote that would embarrass the GOP by exposing how much of a fractured party Republicans have become on immigration: whether it’s Steve King or Donald Trump, there is always someone lined up to take a cheap shot on the issue for short-term gain, even if they can’t win if it were put to a vote.”

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