Jeff Flake Runs from Undocumented Immigrants (Literally)
Phoenix, AZ – Mitt Romney has been accused of running in a metaphorical sense from the question of undocumented immigrants, avoiding questions on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and undocumented immigrants. Jeff Flake ran in a more literal, Usain Bolt sense when confronted and questioned by undocumented activist Erika Andiola.
“He keeps on saying in Spanish media that he really cares about undocumented youth, but can’t even have a conversation with us about why his vote on DREAM. Maybe that’s why he ran, either way he took off as soon as he knew I was a DREAMer” says Erika Andiola, co-founder of DRM Action Coalition.
It’s not too surprising that Jeff Flake doesn’t want to be confronted and quoted by undocumented immigrants: he’s voted against the DREAM Act after initially coming out for it, and put pressure on the Supreme Court publicly to find SB 1070, Arizona’s notorious “papers please” law, constitutional. These are the two most important issues in undocumented and mixed-status communities, and he has taken a staunch stance against immigrant rights.
This has been one of several events taking place against Jeff Flake, all of which are part of a growing trend of demonstrators staging confrontations and demanding changes like the DREAM Act and an end to SB 1070.
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