Romney: Show Your Papers

Romney: Show Your Papers

Show Your Papers

Romney: Show Your Papers

We deserve to know what a potential President’s finance and tax contributions are before they goes into the voting booth, as well as his plans for our immigrant community.

Mitt Romney, you have called SB-1070 the model for the nation, and want our communities to show our papers everywhere we go. We want you to stop your anti-immigrant promises and show your own papers.

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” said Benjamin Franklin over 200 years ago. Paying taxes is one of our many duties to our country. If undocumented people are willing to show you their tax returns, why won’t you show our country your tax returns?


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Dear Friend,


I’m undocumented and I pay taxes. And I am not alone! In 2011 undocumented people paid over $11.2 billion in taxes. I am willing to show Mitt Romney and the world my tax returns and I am sure thousands of other undocumented people would be willing to do the same and so why can’t you show us your tax returns Mr. Romney?

Mitt Romney can’t have it both ways. On one hand Romney wants to nationalize Arizona’s hateful “show me your papers” law. Romney wants to expose the 50+ million Latinos in the US to racial profiling by forcing us to show our papers. But on the same breath he refuses to show us his papers: his tax returns.

The public deserves to know what a potential President’s finance and tax contributions are before they goes into the voting booth. Please tell Mitt Romney you want him to show us his tax returns.

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” said Benjamin Franklin over 200 years ago. Paying taxes is one of our many duties to our country. If we, undocumented people, are willing to show Mitt Romney our tax returns, why won’t he show our country his tax returns?

Tell Mitt Romney to show us his papers:



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