“Rubio Abandoning Role as Advocate for Immigration Reform”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Marco Rubio is set to announce his presidential candidacy in Miami. His announcement comes on the heels of candidacies of Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul. In response, the Dream Action Coalition has issued the following statement:

“Looking at what Marco Rubio has done for our community, well, it’s hard to say exactly,” said Cesar Vargas. “With his family’s immigrant background, we were hoping he would be a vocal advocate, but he abandoned the Gang of 8 legislation very quickly, never came out with his own promised Dream Act legislation and opposes DACA and DAPA, two programs which keep my family together while we wait for Congress to finally get something done. While Rubio and the other candidates have time to explain their immigration positions, it’s hard to imagine he will be the advocate that we need. “

“While Marco Rubio has a Latino name and serves as a reminder of how far the Latino community has progressed in this country, unfortunately he is much more beholdent to his Tea Party base than to his Latino community” said Erika Andiola. ” His legislative record includes stripping the Child Tax Credit from undocumented parents of US Citizen children and filibustered the Violence Against Women Act for offering protections to undocumented victims.

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